My Take on the Happiness of Mother’s Day

I know this is a horribly sad day for many people out there. Those whom have lost their momma’s, and those momma’s whom have lost any of their babies … and “lost” can take on many meanings.

And I don’t take their pain lightly. I sit on the sidelines and watch their grief & strength, and pray to be as strong as they are one day.

Their pain provides such a clear picture of the fragility of life, and of the blessings we are all wrapped in each day.

For me, the thought of that form of unbearable sadness is like a giant hungry bear chasing me…. and I can’t stop running.

This metaphorical run for me is the process of making memories. I know there’s a chance that one day, before I meet my Maker, I’m gonna get my arse chomped by that bear and suffer incomprehensible pain from the loss of a loved one…but in the meantime, I’m gonna keep my eyes focused on soaking up as much love as I possibly can on the run of life…

How many more mornings can I snuggle my babies, who still sneak into my nooks in the middle of the night?

How many more mornings, after I drop my kids off at school, can I call and jabber with my momma about nothing?

How many more car rides can we take where I reach my hand back and just hold on to one of my girl’s little feet… just to feel their energy through me?

How many more times will we have holidays with all little kids who mainly just want to hang out with us?

How many more times can I call my mom and ask her a random life lesson on plants or a recipe or pets?

How many more times will my littles reach out and wrap their hands around my pointer finger when we are walking?

How many more times will my littles crawl on top of my lap and fall asleep on me?

How many more baby hugs are there to be gotten?

How many more times will I get to sit and hear my momma tell stories about how it was for her growing up?

How many more cries are there, that only I can calm for my babies?

How many more times will my momma and I get to clear a dance floor with our wide-berth dancing😂?

How many more times will my kids ask me for an “attack” (30 seconds of rapid fire kisses on their neck, cheeks, or lips) when I drop them off at school?

And although we are all healthy and happy and carefree, with no bears on the horizon….

It all goes by so fast.

Slow days, fast years.

I’ll just be over here running… soaking in as much love & fun & memories as I possibly can…. for the foreseeable future.
