Welcome to Remote-Learning…

0400- Her alarm goes off.

0410- She starts working feverishly on her laptop because she is way behind for several important deadlines… and these first 2 hours are the only quiet hours in the day.

0600- Her reminder goes off on her outlook calendar, so she puts her laptop down & heads out to the gym.

0700- Her first work call starts while she finishes her cardio on her treadmill.

0800- Her babysitter arrives & gets the kids some breakfast & dressed & ready for “school”.

0815- She runs in from the gym & quickly showers & dresses for the day.

0830- She grabs a protein shake & heads into her “office” (aka room with a door on it) to hop on her next meeting.

0850- Babysitter starts to try & log kids in for their 1st zoom calls of the day. One gets in, one is locked out.

0851- She gets a text from the babysitter, “Can’t get into Mrs. Fs zoom”.

0852- After turning off her camera and switching her call to her phone & earbuds, she trots into the “2nd grade classroom” (aka the dining room) to troubleshoot & cuss a lot.

0902- She finally gets the child logged in.

0905- She arrives 5 min late to a leadership meeting with her boss.

0908- She gets a text from the babysitter that the oldest child just got kicked off the zoom call for some unknown reason.

0910- After turning off her camera and switching her call to her phone & earbuds, she trots into the “2nd grade classroom” to try and get her child logged in again, cussing loudly now.

0915- Her boss asks her a question, which she has to ask him to repeat because she clearly didn’t hear him.

0919- After several texts back & forth with the teacher, she gets her oldest logged back in.

0920- She’s back in her “office” finishing up the meeting, when she hears yelling. She peeks her head out the door to see her youngest screaming at her classmates on the computer screen. She goes back to her meeting.

0930- Think time! Finally, so much work that she needs to catch up on.

0950- Babysitter starts to try & log kids in for their 2nd zoom calls of the day. One gets in, one is locked out.

0953- She gets a text from the babysitter, “Can’t get into Mrs. Fs zoom”.

0955- She trots into the “2nd grade classroom” to troubleshoot & you guessed it…. cuss.

1004- After several texts back & forth with the teacher, she gets her oldest logged back in.

1006- She arrives 6 min late to a meeting she is supposed to be leading. Great Leadership!

1045- She gets a reminder from the teacher on what homework needs to be completed.

1047- She texts the babysitter the homework instructions.

1100- She starts an important meeting where she needs to be able to really think/concentrate.

1103- She gets a text from the babysitter asking if the kids can have PB&J for lunch.

1104- She responds yes.

1115- She hears yelling.

1116- The babysitter sends a text informing her that she has sent the youngest to timeout for cussing (hmmmm wonder where she got that life skill).

1120- Reminder from the youngest’s teacher thanking parents for another great day, and not to forget to take pics of homework and submit it.

1121- She texts the babysitter and asks her to take pics of all homework assignments.

1135- 5 homework pics arrive via text.

1137- 5 homework pic uploaded to school app.

1150- Babysitter logs oldest in for final zoom call of the day. She actually gets in! Woohoo!

1230- Reminder from the oldest’s teacher thanking parents for another great day, and not to forget to take pics of homework and submit it.

1231- She texts the babysitter and asks her to take pics of all homework assignments.

1250- Babysitter texts to say she can’t get in “math app”, and that she reached out to the teacher already. A ticket has been put in IT.

1315- 6 homework pics come in via text.

1317- 6 homework pic uploaded to school app.

1400- Babysitter leaves, because 6 hours a day and 5 days a week is already costing $1200/month… not to mention the extra cost of hotspots for internet out in the boonies.

1445- In the middle of an important gap analysis zoom call, her youngest walks into her “office” crying because a kitty scratched her. She mutes her zoom call, kisses the boo-boo and sends her on her way, quickly.

1510- In the middle of an important interview zoom call, youngest walks into her “office” talking loudly. She snaps her fingers and yells at her child to get out!

1546- In the middle of an important project plan zoom call, her oldest walks in, to just hug & kiss her legs. She snaps her fingers and yells at her child to get out!

1600- She hears her husband get home. After a few muffled grumps, she hears him go outside WITHOUT TAKING THE CHILDREN.

1602- She considers murdering her husband.

1605- Last hour of the day —- think time. Time to catch up on everything she got behind on today.

1610- Her kids are fighting in the living room. She runs to break up the fight.

1615- Her youngest comes into her “office” and lays down on the couch next to her and says, “I love you, Mom.” Her youngest starts crying—-she is tired of being sent away by her mom.

1616- She closes her laptop, and just holds her youngest. She thinks back through her day, realizing she never completed a full thought. All the texting, and reminding, and logging in, wasted away every quiet minute. Her to-do list for the day looks just as long as it did in the morning. But at this particular hour… this particular moment—-her kiddos needed their mom. So she holds tight.

1700- She gets up to get kids dinner.

1800- Time to do the outside chores as a family.

1900- Bath time.

2000- Snuggles.

2130- Everyone is fast asleep.

0400- Her alarm goes off.

0410- She starts working feverishly on her laptop because she is way behind for several important deadlines… and these first 2 hours are the only quiet hours in the day.

Welcome to remote learning, where:

1. Our children are missing out on important socialization skills & interaction & actually learning from a trained educator,


2. Parents with kids under 10 years of age can choose to (1) quit their jobs, or (2) hire someone to “manage” their home…. and it will still be unbearably difficult for all involved.

All for less than 0.02%. Cool.

