I. Am. Angry

I. Am. Angry.

Soooo angry.

Woke up angry.

Picture Sally Fields at the grave scene in Steel Magnolias …“I’m so mad I just want to hit something”…

So here I am… hitting something.

I workout to work out the anger.

Now I’m getting my 3 miles in on my treadmill, typing with one thumb… because (1) I’m old and I type w/one thumb, and (2) because I need to make sure these steps are counting by swinging my other arm. 😂

Anywho, why am I angry?

You may care, you may not.

Regardless, if you don’t keep scrolling past this post you’re gonna hear why…

Some of these are fair things to be angry about… some not so much… some reasons contradict other reasons… but regardless they’re still adding to my pissy mood.

I start out slow and silly with my reasons of anger, and then pick up the pace towards our current culture rather quickly. PSA: I’m a sailor at heart… do not continue to read if you’re offended by bad language.

I’m angry:

Because my children are growing up too fast.

Because of mom-brain.

Because the best foods like pizza and tacos are the worst foods.

Because despite my best warrior tactics I keep getting older.

Because my gym was littered with all sorts of Barbie toys this morning.

Because my damn beagles love to runaway.

Because my husband… I’m not sure why I’m angry at him right now but I’ll think of a good reason by the time he gets home😂

Because I will get responses to this post that say “you should be sweeter to your husband” or “you should really be counting your blessings”…

Because of COVID19.

Because I’m certain this quarantine is going to affect my kids’ education & development.

Because my friends & family & so many others are being financially destroyed by this virus.

Because I miss people.

Because I miss big backyard get-togethers.

Because I miss girls-nights.

Because I miss hole-in-the-wall bars stocked with natty light & a jukebox.

Because of the CDC.

Because people feel the right to tell others how to love, live, and exist.

Because of George Floyd’s inhumane death.

Because of every fucking form of discrimination.

Because people reading this will be offended by my language.

Because every beautiful, respectful, and brave police officer is willingly continuing to protect us, knowing damn well that they have a target on their heads.

Because of how scared every police officer’s family has to be right now.

Because of injustice.

Because of assholes.

Because of how many of my Black American friends & coworkers (& those I don’t know) have had to grow up with systemic racism.

Because of how many of my Black American friends & coworkers (and those I don’t know) have had to grow up scared because of the color of their skin.

Because I will never have the right words of comfort for this situation.

Because of the destruction, violence, and looting.

Because no one can say they’re against destruction, violence, and looting without being called tone deaf or racist.

Because no other discrimination has been used as a platform that allows destruction of cities.

Because no one is allowed to openly talk about our country’s race issue without being blasted.

Because of the word privilege.

Because I was raised by a blue collar family that started out in a trailer … and I earned every inch of my life.

Because someone will feel the need to school me on the word privilege.

Because of all the holier-than-thou posts from white people that bash white people in general or that start out with “If you need me to help you understand black people…” (I am not talking about those that have a family that includes Black Americans and have lived with discrimination).

Because of all the mean-spirited, hate-filled posts… in any direction.

Because of all the people I’ve had to unfriend because they’d rather spew hate than help find the right path forward…. and because my soul can’t take one more drip of hate.

Because celebrities won’t just shut up and listen.

Because we aren’t focused on solutions.

Because the wrong agendas are being pushed by the wrong people, which is impeding the right solution for our country.

Because 100% of us agree that George Floyd’s death was wrong, but 0% can agree on the next right step or solution.

Because our beautiful country & thriving economy are being destroyed throughout all of this mayhem.

Because nowadays, it feels like (even as a veteran) you can’t be pro-America, truly patriotic, and proud to be an American without being called racist.

Because the government keeps getting bigger.

Because our freedoms keep getting smaller.

Because of face masks.

Because of the mainstream media.

Because of that fucking Wuhan lab.

Because it’s truly always about politics.

And because it’s only Thursday of a long damn week.